1.54″ TFT Grafische LCD

  • Interface type: SPI interface
  • Processor: ST7789
  • 1.54 inch schermdiagonaal (27.7×27.7mm)
  • zwarte achtergrond – 16bit COlour text & graphics
  • 240x240pixels
  • Power: 17mA@3V3

Demo-programma LCD


Onderstaand demo-demoprogramma laat mooi alle functies van de LCD zien.

Download deze zip file en installeer deze ZIP file van de “DFRobot_GDL library” via sketch >> include libray >> Add.ZIP library

#include "DFRobot_GDL.h"
#define TFT_DC  2
#define TFT_CS  3
#define TFT_RST 4

DFRobot_ST7789_240x240_HW_SPI screen(/*dc=*/TFT_DC,/*cs=*/TFT_CS,/*rst=*/TFT_RST);
//DFRobot_ST7789_240x320_HW_SPI screen(/*dc=*/TFT_DC,/*cs=*/TFT_CS,/*rst=*/TFT_RST);
//DFRobot_ILI9341_240x320_HW_SPI  screen(/*dc=*/TFT_DC,/*cs=*/TFT_CS,/*rst=*/TFT_RST);
//DFRobot_ILI9488_320x480_HW_SPI screen(/*dc=*/TFT_DC,/*cs=*/TFT_CS,/*rst=*/TFT_RST);
/* M0 mainboard DMA transfer */
//DFRobot_ST7789_240x240_DMA_SPI screen(/*dc=*/TFT_DC,/*cs=*/TFT_CS,/*rst=*/TFT_RST);
//DFRobot_ST7789_240x320_DMA_SPI screen(/*dc=*/TFT_DC,/*cs=*/TFT_CS,/*rst=*/TFT_RST);
//DFRobot_ILI9341_240x320_DMA_SPI screen(/*dc=*/TFT_DC,/*cs=*/TFT_CS,/*rst=*/TFT_RST);
//DFRobot_ILI9488_320x480_DMA_SPI screen(/*dc=*/TFT_DC,/*cs=*/TFT_CS,/*rst=*/TFT_RST);

 *User-selectable macro definition color

void setup() {

void loop(){


/* Test to draw a pixel*/
void testDrawPixel() {
  //Clear screen
  int x = 0;
  int y = screen.height();
  for(int i = 0; i <= screen.width()/2; i += 10){
    for (x = screen.width() - i; x >= i; x-=10 ){
       * @ brief draw a pixel
       * @ param x coordinate
       *         y coordinate
       * c pixel color
      screen.drawPixel(x, y, COLOR_RGB565_ORANGE);

    for (y = screen.height() - i; y >= i; y-=10){
      screen.drawPixel(x, y, COLOR_RGB565_ORANGE);

    for (x = i; x <= screen.width() - i + 1; x+=10 ){
      screen.drawPixel(x, y, COLOR_RGB565_ORANGE);

    for (y = i; y <= screen.height() - i + 1; y+=10){
      screen.drawPixel(x, y, COLOR_RGB565_ORANGE);

/* Test to draw a line*/
void testLine(){
// 0x00FF is the color data in the format of RGB565
  uint16_t color = 0x00FF;
  for (int16_t x=0; x < screen.width(); x+=6) {
     * @ brief draw a line
     * @ param x0 The x-coordinate of the first vertex
     *         y0 The y-coordinate of the first vertex
     *         x1 The x-coordinate of the second vertex
     *         y1 The y-coordinate of the second vertex
     *         c line color
    screen.drawLine(/*x0=*/screen.width()/*Screen width*//2, /*y0=*/screen.height()/*Screen height*//2, /*x1=*/x, /*y1=*/0, /*c=*/color+=0x0700);
  for (int16_t y=0; y < screen.height(); y+=6) {
    screen.drawLine(screen.width()/2, screen.height()/2, screen.width(), y, color+=0x0700);

  for (int16_t x = screen.width(); x >= 0; x-=6) {
    screen.drawLine(screen.width()/2, screen.height()/2, x,screen.height(), color+=0x0700);

  for (int16_t y = screen.height(); y >= 0; y-=6) {
    screen.drawLine(screen.width()/2, screen.height()/2, 0, y, color+=0x0700);

/* Test to fast draw line(need to set delay), only horizontal line and vertical line */
void testFastLines(uint16_t color1, uint16_t color2) {
  for (int16_t y=0; y < screen.height(); y+=4) {
     * @ brief draw a line
     * @ param x The x-coordinate of the first vertex
     *         y The y-coordinate of the first vertex
     *         w Length of line segment
     *         c line color
    screen.drawFastHLine(/*x=*/0, /*y=*/y, /*w=*/screen.width(),/*c=*/color2);

  for(int16_t x=0; x < screen.width(); x+=3) {
     * @ brief draw a line
     * @ param x The x-coordinate of the first vertex
     *         y The y-coordinate of the first vertex
     *         h length of line segment
     *         c line color
    screen.drawFastVLine(/*x=*/x, /*y=*/0, /*h=*/screen.height(), /*c=*/color1);

/* Test to draw a rectangle*/
void testRects(uint16_t color1, uint16_t color2) { 
    int16_t x=screen.width()-12;
    for (; x > 100; x-=screen.width()/40) {
       * @ brief draw a hollow rectangle
       * @ param x The x-coordinate of the vertex 
       * @ param y The y-coordinate of the vertex
       * @ param w horizontal side length
       * @ param h longitudinal side length
       * @ param color Fill color, RGB color with 565 structure
      screen.drawRect(/*x=*/screen.width()/2 -x/2, /*y=*/screen.height()/2 -x/2 , /*w=*/x, /*h=*/x, /*color=*/color2+=0x0F00);

     * @ brief draw a filled rectangle
     * @ param x The x-coordinate of the vertex
     * @ param y The y-coordinate of the vertex
     * @ param w horizontal side length
     * @ param h longitudinal side length
     * @ param color Fill color, RGB color with 565 structure
    screen.fillRect(/*x=*/screen.width()/2 -x/2, /*y=*/screen.height()/2 -x/2 , /*w=*/x, /*h=*/x, /*color=*/color2);
    for(; x > 6; x-=screen.width()/40){
      screen.drawRect(screen.width()/2 -x/2, screen.height()/2 -x/2 , x, x, color1);

/* Test to draw a rounded rectangle */
void testRoundRects() {
// 0xF00F is the color data in the format of RGB565
  int color = 0xF00F;
  int i;
  int x = 0;
  int y = 0;
  int w = screen.width()-3;
  int h = screen.height()-3;
  for(i = 0 ; i <= 16; i+=2) {
     * @ brief Draw a hollow rounded rectangle
     * @ param x0 The x-coordinate of the start vertex 
     * @ param y0 The y-coordinate of the start vertex 
     * @ param w horizontal side length
     * @ param h longitudinal side length
     * @ param radius Round corner radius
     * @ param color border color, 565 structure RGB color
    screen.drawRoundRect(/*x0=*/x, /*y0=*/y, /*w=*/w, /*h=*/h, /*radius=*/20, /*color=*/color);
  for(i = 0 ; i <= 16; i+=2) {
     * @ brief Draw a filled and rounded rectangle
     * @ param x0 The x-coordinate of the start vertex
     * @ param y0 The y-coordinate of the start vertex
     * @ param w horizontal side length
     * @ param h longitudinal side length
     * @ param radius Round corner radius
     * @ param color Fill color, RGB color with 565 structure
    screen.fillRoundRect(/*x0=*/x, /*y0=*/y, /*w=*/w, /*h=*/h, /*radius=*/10, /*color=*/color);

/* Test to draw a circle */
void testCircles(uint8_t radius, uint16_t color) {
  for (int16_t x=radius; x <=screen.width()-radius; x+=radius*2) {
    for (int16_t y=radius; y <=screen.height()-radius; y+=radius*2) {
       * @ brief Draw a hollow circle
       * @ param x0 The x-coordinate of the center point
       * @ param y0 The y-coordinate of the center point
       * @ param r radius
       * @ param color Circle color, RGB color with 565 structure
      screen.drawCircle(/*x0=*/x, /*y0=*/y, /*r=*/radius, /*color=*/color);
        if(x == y ||x == -y ||x == y + 2*radius)
           * @ brief Draw a filled circle
           * @ param x0 The x-coordinate of the center point
           * @ param y0 The y-coordinate of the center point
           * @ param r radius
           * @ param color Fill color, RGB color with 565 structure
          screen.fillCircle(/*x0=*/x, /*y0=*/y, /*r=*/radius, /*color=*/color);
       color += 800;

/* Test to draw a triangle */
void testTriangles(uint16_t color){

  for (int16_t i=0; i <=screen.width(); i+=24)
     * @ brief Draw a hollow triangle
     * @ param x0 The x-coordinate of the start vertex
     * @ param y0 The y-coordinate of the start vertex
     * @ param x1 The x-coordinate of the second vertex
     * @ param y1 The y-coordinate of the second vertex
     * @ param x2 The x-coordinate of the third vertex
     * @ param y2 The y-coordinate of the third vertex
     * @ param color border color, 565 structure RGB color
    screen.drawTriangle(/*x0=*/i,/*y0=*/0,/*x1=*/0,/*y1=*/screen.height()-i,/*x2=*/screen.width()-i,/*y2=*/screen.height(), /*color=*/color);

  for (int16_t i=0; i <screen.width(); i+=24)
    screen.drawTriangle(screen.width(),i*4/3,0,screen.height()-i*4/3,i,0, color);

  for (int16_t i=0; i <screen.width(); i+=24)
    screen.drawTriangle(screen.width(),i*4/3,i,0,screen.width()-i,screen.height(), color);

  color = COLOR_RGB565_RED;
  for (int16_t i=0; i <=screen.width(); i+=24)
      * @ brief Draw a filled triangle
      * @ param x0 The x-coordinate of the start vertex
      * @ param y0 The y-coordinate of the start vertex
      * @ param x1 The x-coordinate of the second vertex
      * @ param y1 The y-coordinate of the second vertex
      * @ param x2 The x-coordinate of the third vertex
      * @ param y2 The y-coordinate of the third vertex
      * @ param color Fill color, RGB color with 565 structure
    screen.fillTriangle(/*x0=*/i,/*y0=*/0,/*x1=*/0,/*y1=*/screen.height()-i,/*x2=*/screen.width()-i,/*y2=*/screen.height(), /*color=*/color+=100);

  for (int16_t i=0; i <screen.width(); i+=24)
    screen.fillTriangle(screen.width(),i*4/3,0,screen.height()-i*4/3,i,0, color+=100);

  for (int16_t i=0; i <screen.width(); i+=24)
    screen.fillTriangle(screen.width(),i*4/3,i,0,screen.width()-i,screen.height(), color+=100);

void testPrint() {
  // 0x00FF is the color data in the format of RGB565
  int16_t color = 0x00FF;
   // Set text wrapping mode
   // true = Text word wrap, false = No word wrap
  //Fill color, RGB color with 565 structure

  //Set the coordinate position x = 0, y = 50
  screen.setCursor(0, 50);
  //Set the text color; this is a changeable value
  //Set text size to 0
  //Output text
  screen.println("Hello World!");

  //Set text size to 1
  screen.println("Hello World!");

  //Set text size to 2
  screen.println("Hello World!");

  //Set text size to 3
  screen.println("Hello World!");

  //Set text size to 4
  //Set text size to 5

  //Set coordinate position x = 0, y = 0
  screen.setCursor(0, 0);
  //Fill color, RGB color with 565 structure
  screen.print("a = ");

  int a = 1234;
  screen.println(a, 1);
  screen.print(8675309, HEX);
  screen.println("this is HEX!");

  screen.println("running for: ");
  //Output time in millisecond
  screen.println("/1000 seconds.");

  char *text = "Hi DFRobot!";
  //screen.setFonts((const gdl_Font_t *)SIMKAIFont18ptBitmaps);